Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hello! This is a mostly-unedited picture of me, circa March 2013. I was visiting St. Paul, MN on a trip with Husband and our awesome friend Alex the Elder. One of our stops was at The Happy Gnome and it was goooood (always is.) Then there were the baked goods at A Piece of Cake... AtE always requires snacks, and who are we to turn down cupcakes and cookies? Anyways, this is me, in my glory as a 26 year old woman focusing on finishing my college degree. No judgments, people, I had a full-time job for a few years... not that I never screwed off for a few semesters beforehand, *ahem*. At 27, I'm going to be a married college graduate with a house, a working vehicle, and many cats.

I was dreadlocked at the time, obviously seen in the picture, and I had ALWAYS wanted to have a full head of them. I miss having them installed even now, minus the summer heat incoming. All the work, THE HOURS, I put into making them... 24 hours of braiding, back-combing, wrapping, back-combing, spraying, sealing with a flat iron, and shaving the fuzzies off when done. Totally worth it, they're gorgeous, even with the pain of combing out my already-dreading natural hair at the roots and the ends. I had a righteous 'fro going on when I removed the braids! I laughed for an hour while combing and posing for silly pictures to send my Mom, Husband and BFF Allie. I still laugh at those pictures.

I'm starting this space now that I have the time and loads of fodder to share. I have sewing projects and makeup looks and reviews galore to share! I'm hoping my love for makeup, street fashion, sewing, crafting, reading and all things glittery will shine through my babbling and bumbling nature. I will warn you in advance, I'm pretty awesome, but I'm a typical Gemini (Gemini sun, ruling planet Mercury in Gemini, and my rising sign is Gemini) and we are typically described as "flighty," "talkative," "mental," "adaptable," "curious as hell," "flirtatious," "gossipy," and "outgoing." I am no exception. I call this burdening of Gemini traits "Ooh, shiny!" syndrome.

Welcome! Stay awhile, make some comments, add me on Google+, e-mail me, look at my Tumblr, and generally be awesome with me!


1 comment:

  1. Love your hair back then!~ n__n Have fun blogging!

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